Sunday, July 20, 2008

Pied piping. Followers of an uncouth tune.

People leading people. Being people. Becoming other people. Chasing tails, but never their own.
Life seems to be a game of self discovery yet all too often we find ourselves playing not to win, but to come in a close second to the anticipated winner we have placed all bets on. Who wants to come in first place if it means finishing alone? There is no map for the trail blazer. Precedence precedes personality it sadly seems. 

The pied piper plays on.

The tune rings clearly in their ears and like clockwork their eager little hands work tirelessly to keep up appearances. Like children asked to copy a pattern or color with in the lines. No one knows no one, they all know someone, but do they know them selves? Imitation... the sincerest form of flattery. Will no one flatter themselves? 

The pied piper plays on.

Love your neighbor as you love yourself. Good luck loving your neighbor when you don't love yourself. There is a necessary progression. An evolution. Like crawling to walking. You cant write until you can read, but that doesn't mean you have to write what you read. Yet how often do we wait to write until we have read what others have written? 

The pied piper plays on.

1 comment:

emma said...

"precedence precedes personality."

i love alliterations.